Monday, August 4, 2008

How to cure acne on the back and getting rid of acne scars big pores

There is a lot of rubbish on the internet about what causes acne. When you've had it for a long as I did and managed to clear it without cleansers or pills, you soon see why people say food has nothing to do with acne - they want you to buy their products!
Orange peel remedy: Pound the orange peel with water on a piece of stone, then, put that solution on the affected area.
This is known to be very effective medication for treating acne. The treatment not only helps in reducing the inflammation but it also restricts formation of new comedones. Topical retinoid are generally applied at the night to tackle phototoxity problem which is sometimes associated with this kind of treatment. Tretinoin and Retin -A, are the common drugs under this category. Side effects are rare but they can be avoided by applying only the minimum quantity
tags: queen helene mint julep masque with sulfur for acne, benzethonium chloride treats hairs on face to prevent acne, which acne treatment is the best

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