Monday, August 4, 2008

Adult acne natural and food allergie and acne

Oil is indeed a contributor to the appearance of acne but it is from environmental sources not dietary. There are many day to day skin care tips that can help reduce acne blemishes but consistency is the key. One of the easiest and most over looked skin care practices by all ages is simply washing your face. A large number of individuals wash their faces in the morning while preparing for the day, however surprisingly few wash their faces before bed. Washing your face with a gentle acne treatment cleanser morning and night will help to eliminate the excess surface oils and dead skin cells. Always remember that scrubbing harder does not make you cleaner it just causes damage to the skin.
Calendula - is a traditional skin remedy. It is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and boosts immune function. Calendula can be used both externally and internally to reduce inflammation and speed wound healing. Calendula is considered to be the best herbal tissue healer for skin problems. Calendula is on par with witch hazel as an astringent and is one of the best antiseptics.
If blackheads have already occurred, it is best to make use of products that are specifically designed to remove them. As tempting as it might be, don't ever use tweezers, fingernails or other physical methods to pluck them out. All these actions can cause permanent scars to occur.
tags: how to get rid of acne fast and acne scars, how to get rid of acne in an hour, how to treat acne from prednisone

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