Friday, July 4, 2008

How to treat acne around the lips fast and cause of acne

During childhood, the sebaceous glands are small and virtually nonfunctioning. These glands are under endocrine control, especially by the androgens. During puberty, androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing them to enlarge and secrete natural oil called sebum, which rises to the top of the hair follicle and flows out onto the skin surface. In adolescents who develop acne, androgenic stimulation produces a heightened response in the sebaceous glands so that acne occurs when accumulated sebum plugs the pilosebaceuos ducts. This accumulated material forms comedones.
Acne can be a difficult subject to talk to your kids about, because will probably be embarrassed, particularly if they have a lot of pimples or blackheads. You know how best to approach your child, but most probably you'll want to be supportive and understanding. Educate yourself about the difference between myths and facts: the myths about buttery foods, chocolate, or sex causing acne are now known to be untrue. Most likely, your teenager is already trying everything he or she knows of to control the problem. Even if they are unwilling to talk about it, it's probably one of their major concerns. It can affect self-esteem and relations with peers, and in severe cases can lead to depression and social withdrawal.
Like most things in life, knowing the cause of a problem is a great help towards formulating a solution. This particular form of Acne is mostly caused by the fluctuating level of hormones in the body. As adolescents, going through puberty, lots of changes occur in the body and this changes are caused by certain hormone being secreted by the glands. This changes are quite rapid in nature and cause pimples to breakout on the skin.
tags: acne free scar lotion, herbs acne body doesn't know what to do with fat, zinc acne

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