Monday, June 2, 2008

Over the counter acne pills and best way to wash your face with acne

You may also want to use a mild cleanser and facial scrub to exfoliate dirt and old skin cells and unclog skin pores. It is only a myth that eating certain foods can aggravate the condition. The main idea with foods is to keep grease and oil from coming into contact with your face since these can enter skin pores and cause breakouts.
Every night, apply fenugreek leaf paste to the face for about 10 minutes. Wash it using lukewarm water. Do not scrub.
A diet rich in vegetables, low Glycemic Index carbohydrates and lean protein can go a long way to helping clear up your skin of pimple. It was once a point of debate whether diet could help clear up acne or if it was an old wives tale. However, recent studies done by researchers at RMIT University have shown that diet does indeed have a link to clearer skin and helps reduce any further acne breakouts.
tags: neutrogena advanced solutions overnight acne contril lotion, sulfur acne treatment, diet to help acne

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